I was tired of defrosting and reheating things. It was time to make a real dinner. But a dinner that required very little prep work and activity from me.
Watch me stretch a buck! Rather than feel sentenced to *having* to make dinner, I'm trying to figure out what I can do with what I have. And how to make cheap meats and frozen vegetables taste better.
I was tired of defrosting and reheating things. It was time to make a real dinner. But a dinner that required very little prep work and activity from me.
In August we stocked up the freezer. There just isn't enough variety in delivery, I wasn't sure anyone would feel like cooking, and I hate the, "Do they take credit cards?" question (because it's always no and then the next question is, "Do you want to go get cash?"
I didn't make dinner on the 10th. Or the 11th. Or the 12th. I went into labor on the 10th and delivered our baby boy six minutes past midnight. Yay for a long weekend in the hospital with other people bringing food to me.
This is one of those meals I didn't bother to document earlier in the summer, but it just looks so darn colorful and cute here, right?