Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pasta and Vegetables

I was going to be coming home late from class, so LV wanted to know what to make. I suggested pasta with frozen vegetables. That's not a meal for LV, so he threw in the leftover chicken. It was really good.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pork (and more Pork)

I didn't realize until I started catching up on posts that we've eaten an unusual amount of pork lately. This is broiled pork with Maple Sugar Pepper (or something like that) and egg noodles. There's really not much else to say about it. Except that I'm getting along quite well with my new flash, seeing as the pork from late March looked quite unedible compared to the pictures from this batch.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Chicken with Lemon-Capers Sauce

After having some awful sinus infection/allergy nonsense for like two weeks, LV and I decided to throw caution to the wind and go get a bottle of wine. We still had a bottle of capers in the fridge and bundle of parsley I'd completely forgotten about, so I decided to remake the sauce from Valentine's Day for sauteed chicken. It was quite lovely. We ate it in front of the TV...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Chicken Fingers, Mashed Potatoes and Carrots

Lately, the only thing less likely than us sitting down to eat at the table is all three of us sitting down to eat at the table together. So, when Scrappy showed up on a Wednesday and it just so happened that I had left the office at the same time as LV and there was something in the fridge that could be made in a hurry, it was like the planets had aligned and someone had muttered the proper chant. LV dropped his bag, walked over to pick up Scrappy, and dinner was ready to hit the table by the time they walked in the door. It was too perfect. Then the little one decided she was just going to chew the carrots but not actually ever swallow them. And life was back to normal.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spaghetti and Meatballs

LV swears he is not cute. But I thought it was absolutely adorable when I came home from my photo class and found him eating dinner at the table. (We never eat dinner at the table anymore...) So I took many pictures, but decided to crop him out to save myself from having to hear about his hair or how un-cute he thinks he is. (Sooooo cute!)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Biscuits (and Pork and Green Beans)

"What should we have for dinner?" LV asked the little one.


There was some point, eons ago, where I had decided I was going to make biscuits from scratch. This was so long ago that no grocery stores had cream of tartar because everyone had already rushed in to stock up on holiday cookie ingredients. So, "biscuits" for dinner threw me as an answer.

"We can't have just biscuits," I said. "What should we have with our biscuits?"


"What else?"

We'd already covered both of Scrappy's food groups, so the menu should have been done in her eyes. Surprisingly, though, without much prompting, she offered up green beans as the vegetable. Not the fresh ones she had tried earlier that day and found rather icky, but frozen green beans. I don't know why frozen, but we to the store and she stated again that she'd prefer frozen.

Now, books will tell you to make children feel involved--help find ways for them to contribute--but I still didn't believe that Scrappy would eat the way she did when she planned and prepared dinner. The photographic evidence suggests that not only did she eat her biscuit but also her green beans before finishing her pork. Making dinner as a family... Crazy.