I didn't know what to make, so I bought some crab and made some pasta and hoped it would taste all right. I tossed it with red pepper dipping oil. That was kind of gross.
Watch me stretch a buck! Rather than feel sentenced to *having* to make dinner, I'm trying to figure out what I can do with what I have. And how to make cheap meats and frozen vegetables taste better.
I didn't know what to make, so I bought some crab and made some pasta and hoped it would taste all right. I tossed it with red pepper dipping oil. That was kind of gross.
LV specifically requested that the leftover beef be turned into "those sandwiches you made last time." They were really good.
Hand-cut fries were also requested, but I rejected that idea. We had curly fries in the freezer.
Beef... I forget what cut this is, but it was much thicker than anything else I'd thrown in the oven for several hours before. So, I think it came out better. The green squash and onions still didn't fare so well, but oh well. More grape tomatoes and red potatoes on the side.
I find taking a temperature to be really annoying, but at least it made for a more interesting shot.
See? Not so interesting.
I kind of went crazy adding water to the pot.
Grape tomatoes were on sale and the salmon looked good. Hence, this dinner. Served with rice and lots of garlic. (I saw too many chefs on TV doing it...)
LV likes the way I fry eggs. They're always picture ready when prepared on the little cast iron pan. Mmm... Sunday breakfast.
Not really. But we can pretend.
I had a lot of leafy greens left over from the fajita/tacos, so this was a repeat with pork and toasted tortillas. Well, without the spicy sauces. It might have been better...
I told LV to run to the store and grab asparagus. I meant Brussels sprout. There are fewer of them in the fresh packs. Asparagus is like $4.99/lb and comes by the bushel.
How to Eat All the Asparagus in One Sitting
Cut big pieces
Steam for just the right length of time
Serve only woody pieces to Scrappy (the tops "taste like water," which makes her irritable despite the fact she sleeps with a water bottle)
Serve very little chicken and pasta
Voila. All asparagus eaten.
As part of my week of reading LV's mind, I decided to go to the grocery store and get a fajita mix. When he came home, he wondered aloud if we should order Mexican.
This is the pork. It looks okay. Mmm... Pork with some sort of breading.
This is the pork with a lemon-flavored pan sauce on top. Gross... It looks like the cat yacked on it.
But it did taste good.
I bought chunks of beef this week. I didn't know what I was going to do with them. So, sort of stir-frying them seemed like as a good an idea as any. LV thought we should let them simmer in the cooking wine we bought forever ago. That definitely decreased the blandness.
This was a second more successful attempt at mixing oranges with pork. Probably because I used a real recipe instead of just making something up as I went along. Much better.