Monday, October 13, 2008

Fresh Figs

Last year, I didn't pay attention to what was growing the backyard. We received lots of tomatoes (all delicious) from our downstairs neighbor, but I didn't pay attention to anything else back there. Then I started working with models, and we had to wonder what was all over the ground. Last month, a model noticed the figs. She said we should be eating them. The next week, we received a platter of figs from our neighbor. The day after that, Martha Stewart cooked with the author of Platter of Figs. I couldn't cook with the figs I'd received, though. They turned moldy too quickly. The next time, I put them in the fridge immediately and prepared them for dinner that night. LV was not a fan--too mushy and the stems freaked him out. I would eat them again.

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