I think I grilled this batch of sausage on the Forman with less cursing, fewer pieces getting stuck to the grill and then popping off onto the floor. Or just plain burning myself when trying to sweep all the pieces into a bowl or plate.
Watch me stretch a buck! Rather than feel sentenced to *having* to make dinner, I'm trying to figure out what I can do with what I have. And how to make cheap meats and frozen vegetables taste better.
I think I grilled this batch of sausage on the Forman with less cursing, fewer pieces getting stuck to the grill and then popping off onto the floor. Or just plain burning myself when trying to sweep all the pieces into a bowl or plate.
If it didn't use so many dishes, I would probably make this all the time.
It was our week to bring snacks for our birthing class. I thought I could make chocolate chip cookies and they would be as big a hit as the time I whipped up a batch for a Fourth of July party. That didn't happen at all. I didn't set out the butter early enough to let it soften. Then I melted it in the microwave. Then I substituted spreadable fake butter. The cookies looked like puddles when they came out of the oven. Gross. I freaked and asked LV to pick up a tray of vegetables instead. He bought some cookies, too.
The local grocer sells ground beef in huge family packs. More ground beef means more burgers...
When we went grocery shopping that afternoon, the idea of breakfast sandwiches for dinner struck me as a great idea. Two bites into my sandwich, I didn't think they were such a great idea anymore. Two or three years ago, my dentist pushed me into getting an inlay to replace a porcelain filling. The dentist before him had said I should get a silver filling--porcelain doesn't last, she said. But I grew up with my mom always showing me how horrible her mouth looked with so many silver fillings. Being vain, I chose porcelain, which, like the first dentist warned, didn't last. The second dentist swore inlay was better. Being uninformed, I went with the inlay. (Though, seeing as my insurance didn't want to cover it, I should have asked more questions.) Two bites into my sandwich, I heard a horrible crunch. What I thought was a white fleck of fat actually turned out to be a chunk of bone. Sweet. That inlay was no match for it.
For the Fourth of July, we like to watch the hot dog eating contest on ESPN and eat hot dogs for lunch. (I don't really understand how it's possible considering that we're watching people dunk hot dogs in water and swallow them whole. It's really gross.) Then I grill up hamburgers later in the day. Those are tater tots on my salad.
This year I didn't want to go stand around, waiting for the fireworks (that whole 7 months pregnant thing...), so I told Scrappy to hunt down all the fireworks scenes she could find in her collection of movies. We watched those while we waited for the live fireworks on TV.