Sunday, January 07, 2007

Attack of the Casserole Dishes!

I decided Sunday was a perfect opportunity to spend hours chopping vegetables for two recipes that could be eaten much later in the week: Tex-Mex Chicken & Rice and Chicken Pot Pie.

The Tex-Mex Chicken & Rice looked really gelatinous and green compared to the photo in the cook book. Then I noticed the photo had a wooden spoon. But this did not improve matters tremendously. I moved on. (Three nights later, Scrappy actually ate some. So, that has to be a success. And eating the week-old leftovers four days after that didn't make me want to gag either. Stirring it up made it look fluffy and not gelatinous at all.)

The Chicken Pot Pie smelled so good I decided it needed be eaten immediately. I didn't measure the homemade pastry covering before I cut it, so I had a lot of leftover pastry that promptly went into the toaster over. I thought it was odd the the recipe only called for a pastry cover--no bottom or sides--but it turned out to be so much better than any frozen version I've had before. LV raves, "Homemade chicken pot pie: F*cking insane."

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