Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pork with Melon-Tomato Relish

In the middle of a cold snap, I decided it was time to make a summertime grill recipe... If I make this again when cantalope and honeydew melon are actually in season, it will probably taste much better. It was mainly the watermelon that sketched me out. I got one of those plastic containers from the store that has chunks of random melon in it. Like funny-smelly watermelon. But I'd just read an article about rinsing meat, so I figured rinsing fruit to get rid of sketchy-watermelon-smell couldn't be nearly as riksy as rinsing rancid meat.

Oh. That's the left-over insides of the potato skins making a comeback as mashed potatoes behind the porkchop. They weren't very mashed. I'm used to the mashed potatoes out of a box.

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