We're a pretty nerdy bunch, but this week I took it to a whole new level.
"Geography Club" sounded like a good idea to me after I printed a blank map of North America and appeared to be the only person in my house who could identify Greenland. I put the map near the phone where Scrappy likes to hang out, but I didn't really think it was helping her as much as I thought it might have helped me back in 4th grade. I had colored in the states that we get phone calls from. So, if she knows that Arizona and Ohio come up all the time on Caller ID, then she should be able to pick one of them out from the dozen that are colored, right?
Then Luis's website got a hit from Rome, and for some reason that really set things off for me. In the past, we've had "band practice" and "drawing club," and now Scrappy wanted me to teach her how to sew, but I want her to learn to prepare food... A whole integrated curriculum came to mind. Italy. Geography Club could start with Italy and all the other things Scrappy and LV like to do on weekends would fit right in: art, music, food, fashion...
I prepared a Power Point presentation, but only got as far as loading it up with history. (I like history.) There weren't really any great ideas for Italian breakfasts that I could find in the short search that I did. Scrambled egg pizzas kept coming up. I never have yeast and I didn't want to go buy dough, so I made one gigantic biscuit instead to use as the crust. It didn't cross my mind until much later that this would be the equivalent to eating a dozen biscuits. Perhaps I should have cut the recipe in half... (Those are red peppers.)

For lunch, I wanted to melt cheese on a tostada. I chose the toaster oven instead of the microwave. I chose wrong.
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