We decided to have a Super Bowl party. That amounted to four people coming over. But that's more of a party than any other Sunday, so I started looking around for what to make. Wings, of course, and Potato Skins. This is a picture of the skins before they went into the refridgerator. I didn't take any pictures when the came out of the oven (cheese was added, sour cream on the side) or of the wings at all because I was more caught up in getting food out on the table. And people might think I'm really bizarre for taking pictures of the food they're about to eat.

At the last minute I realized we had no sort of desert. Everything was salty bar food. To try to get Scrappy more involved, I pitched a couple different chocolate cookie recipes to her. As we were rolling all the dough into little balls, she asked where the chocolate chips were. The "like Oreos" concept apparently hadn't been a clear enough description.
These cookies have gotten so much better over the course of a week. They came out of the oven a little dry, but with all the frosting sandwiched in between (half were vanilla-filled, half were chocolate) they've become more moist. Mmm...