Mmm... Battered chicken, fresh vegetables and *not* pasta. Somehow this was a very different dinner for us.
Watch me stretch a buck! Rather than feel sentenced to *having* to make dinner, I'm trying to figure out what I can do with what I have. And how to make cheap meats and frozen vegetables taste better.
Mmm... Battered chicken, fresh vegetables and *not* pasta. Somehow this was a very different dinner for us.
The supermarket we've been going to sells gigantic packs of wings from what must be gigantic chickens. We used to buy one pack and use all of it on one Sunday. This is the third serving from one of the gigantic packs.
I'm getting really tired of pasta. Luckily yellow rice packets have been on sale lately.
There was a story in Good Housekeeping or on the Today Show about what you can stock in your pantry to make meals more adventurous. It inspired me to put those bottles of lemon juice and capers to use.
There was also an ad for Philly cream cheese and Jell-O pudding and other products that go into making Thanksgiving desserts. I had to make this pie. It's one of those Cool Whip creations that you simply refrigerate (and then decide to not take to your sister-in-law's dinner).
I don't remember making this pie on Thanksgiving... I believe I made it on the 25th or 24th, but added the caramel and pecan topping on the 26th. (And then decided I didn't want to share.)
When LV saw this on the counter, he wanted to eat it that night. Luckily, he didn't. Thanksgiving morning, I fired up the oven to warm the coffee cake. The house didn't really fill with the scent of cinnamon, but that was some good cake.
The past two years, I think I've made the pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. This year I decided to make the pie when I had the time (as determined by the baby). I think it turned out well. The crust could have been flakier.
All the meats I bought were "family size." I was able to divide up each pack, freeze some right away, and not have to wonder how fresh things were when I cooked with them several days later. This lamb didn't get any better. Especially when there was no stuffing/breading or chutney to help counter it's cheapness. (And that's macaroni because we're down to the last box of pasta in the cabinet and that's what was there: elbows. I bought it this summer, thinking I would make pasta salad. Not so much...)
For some reason, there's one Thanksgiving that stands out in my memory as a really good Thanksgiving. (My guess is the economy was really good that year.) It was a Thanksgiving that started with the house smelling like cinnamon because my mom made the coffee cake that I think her mom used to make. I actually don't remember that coffee cake tasting so great, but it was a really great start to a fun day.
So, I was inspired (to say the least) to make the coffee cake I saw in Good Housekeeping. Of course, I changed it up a little, using almonds instead of pecans because that's what was in the cabinet, but the rest was all the same. Including sour cream, which I believe was the part of my mom's recipe that I thought was strange way back in the day.
You know I'm not really thinking of ever updating my blog again when I take just one lousy picture of what I made... (I think I had also wanted McDonald's for dinner, but LV said he likes my burgers better. And for some reason I was bitter about that.)
When I saw this picture, I couldn't remember what it was or what I had been thinking. Then I saw the finished picture.
Oh... Lamb. Because it was super cheap... All these weeks later, I have to say, this was a pretty gross dinner. Mostly because the meat tasted awful and had a really rough texture. My lazy way of creating a breading, my peach-ginger chutney? Those were really good. But not good enough to compensate for starting with icky-tasting meat.
The grocery store where I've been shopping recently has mega-cheap cuts of meat. Parts of the animal you've never heard of... And it looks just like the pack next to it that is a part you've heard before. But I take the mystery meat because that price is half as much. What I don't realize if that mega-cheap meat needs to be marinated and beaten--otherwise it really isn't very edible.
Not only have I decided I have the hang of making large amounts of chicken, but I've also decided baked potatoes are a great side dish. Why keep choosing between pasta and rice?
I don't actually know if this is steak. I am writing this blog in mid-January. But it seems like I would look at what I had available and decide that peppers would go best with steak. Ta-da...
At Thanksgiving time, I make pumpkin bread. And then use the leftover batter for muffins, more muffins, and (this year) squares (in the brownie tray). Basically, anything I can pour the batter into.
Either we ate the veggies before the wings were done or... I don't know. Why are these wings all alone?
Maybe I'm just not done plating. (Anyone here notice that I've separated each food item into its own post? I'm beefing up my blog numbers to keep well ahead of LV's blog.
The baby is starting to let me eat dinner with everyone else. But not really. Eating doesn't really describe the way LV and I shovel food into our mouths in the hopes that one of us will finish before there's a meltdown.
These were some meaty tenders--totally different than the usual thin slice I normally get. This might have been after I started shopping at a new grocery store... Again, total lack of interest in the blog as displayed in the camera shake.
I didn't have real maple syrup for this recipe. It looks really good, but I think it would have tasted much better with a real glaze rather than pancake syrup on top.
All these weeks later, we still have plenty of fish sticks and chicken nuggets left in the refrigerator. We also have a bag of lentils that I haven't opened in almost a year. I decided to crack that open and cook it up with some rice. LV requested we never eat lentils again. (He hates beans...) I ate them for lunch. I even tried to make lentil burgers at one point (I was thinking of black bean burgers) with the rest of the bag.
Can you tell that at this point--after months of not updating the blog--I don't even see the point of making sure my hand is steady when I take the photo? Though, I don't share the same disinterest in what I'm cooking.
Bone-in pork chops were back in the meat department, so they were back in our oven...
LV picked up the latest bag of frozen vegetables. He didn't notice that the blend he picked included lima beans. I thought this was great. I could finally get rid of all the other lima beans I've had in the freezer. (I went a bit nuts investing in beans at the beginning of the pregnancy...) He did not think this was so great, but he also didn't know just how many more lima beans I was throwing into the mix.
This is a picture of meatloaf on salad. I didn't have any potatoes or whatnot to serve with this besides salad. I didn't put LV's meatloaf on his salad. He wouldn't have liked that. While we were eating, we had the same thought: Good thing Scrappy's not here for this. We thought the extra seasoning was great, but she probably wouldn't have liked any of it. Especially considering I used 12 grain wheat bread for the loaf. That created an interesting texture.