Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lasagna No. 2

So, more than a year after my first attempt ("Bluebrry Buckle (and lasagna)"), I decided to finally give lasagna another try. This time, I used the recipe right off the box while keeping in mind the advice from the Addiverse (a place I don't visit often enough).

While this second attempt stacked up to be overflowing in the baking dish and weigh about 10 pounds, it just became a big puddle on the plate.

Scrappy looked at it like we were serving slime for dinner. She cut the tiniest piece of noodle ever and somehow managed to swallow it.

I had already met my quota for nonsense much earlier in the day, so I might have lacked a little patience when explaining that lasagna is like every other Italian food she's ever had--pasta with spaghetti sauce. Eat it.

Somewhat surprisingly, it was only the green beans she tried to throw out at the end of dinner.

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